This is the fourth round of the Traveling books (the third I was traveling and could not read o.o) and the book I received was "The Howl's moving castle ". I admit that, at the beginning, I was feeling an uproar endless. The narration was slow and nothing seemed to be heading. The story was focused on a popular legend that talked about the fate of each person according to the order they were born. Crazy!
Than started to get funny because I felt like hitting Sophie (protagonist). Old and fearful face Bitch! Talks to inanimate things and it seems a little crazy. She really need to talk to living people (poor thing!) Anyway, the story unfolds in unexpected ways. Every now and then surprises me because the facts are not only unexpected but taken "out of nothing".

Despite these issues,I enjoyed the book and recommend it for those who like magic! That's all folks!
See ya!
The book is good,though it happens like you said: too much luck and synchronism that seems not much likely to happen. But despite Sophie, the others characters are very captivating - Howl himself and Calcifer, his fire-demon - and you do find yourself wanting to find more about the story and that world.
ResponderExcluirAlthough they all seem to repeat a very unlikelly plot-twist, of all the three books of the serie, this one is the best. I really like it despite the cons (:
:D I didnt like the book as much as you but it was really nice until the damned ending.